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*Construction Notices*

The boil water advisory has been lifted. Our well operator has informed us that the samples he tested have come back clean!

The work this week (week of February 10th) will be to continue with gate valve and hydrant installations up Marlborough and Bedford this week. The drilling crew is working on Mulberry on Tuesday through the end of the week. After the drilling is completed on Mulberry they will be moving to Somerset.  

PLEASE REFRAIN from parking in the streets where there is work being done. This is both for our safety and for that of the contractor's. 
Should you see a road closed sign please take an alternate route if you see the construction team working. They are trying to keep the neighborhood as open as possible during construction so that we all have access to our homes, but please do not expect them to move their heavy machinery in order to allow you to pass. This is potentially hazardous and slows down the process. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this time!
The Township's page specifically for our water project can be found here: You can also find it by going to and clicking on the icon at the bottom in the shape of a hard hat labeled "SBH WATER MAIN".

SBHIA Updates

Quarterly HOA Fees are Due

We are thrilled that work is underway to replace our water infrastructure and hook up to the Township's distribution system. Unfortunately we need to keep our system running for the next 2 years and it has not been easy, nor inexpensive. In order to cover the costs of the new EGLE approved Water Contractor who we needed to hire to monitor our well system and the repair costs we are facing to make sure our wells continue to provide safe, clean water to our neighborhood we made the decision to raise the Quarterly Dues. They are now $150 a quarter, with a discount of $25 a quarter, if $500 is paid by January 31, 2025. Once we have ALL connected and the wells have been capped, each homeowner who is in good standing will be refunded an equal share of the excess funds in our account.

 Contact METRO GROUP for your Account / Payment questions: 248-745-7100 or 844-739-2331.

Pay ONLINE via Use Company ID: 6774 and Association ID: SBHIA


*Please note that if you previously opted into automatic payments for your dues it did not happen this year so you will need to re-enter your information.

We currently have a position open on the HOA Board. Please contact us via the website if you are interested!

Residents will need to have their plumber apply for a Plumbing Permit in the Planning, Building & Ordinance Department to make the connection from their home to the new stop box location with a new or existing water service line and to install a new water meter. Residents electing to install a second water meter will require an additional permit. No permit fees will be required with these permits. If electing to use the existing water service line, an Existing Water Service Line Verification Form is required to be signed by the licensed Plumber and submitted with the Plumbing Permit.

Download Permits

**New Facebook Group for SBHIA Members! Click here.**


​​​​​​​Financial Assistance for the SAD Project (for those who qualify)


Bloomfield Township Senior Services, Jeff Howes, 248-723-3500 

CDBG Minor Home Repair Program Guidelines


Oakland County, Neighborhood & Housing Development, Home Improvement
Program, 248.858.0493, email:; website:



Current Estimated Water Hookup Timeline

​​Time of Completion:


- October 31, 2025 - Substantial Completion

- April 30, 2026 - Final Completion 


First payment will be reflected on our December 2025 winter tax bill​​​​​


P.O. Box 7661
Bloomfield H
ills, MI 48302

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