The Annual SBHIA Homeowner Fees are $600.00 and are billed and due quarterly ($150.00 each quarter). Currently, a $5.00 late will will be added to your account if not paid by the due date. The Annual total may be paid in full by the end of January
to receive a discount and pay only $500.00.
Contact METRO GROUP for your Account / Payment questions: 248-745-7100
Pay ONLINE via http://www.metrogroupmanagement.com. Use Company ID: 6774 and Association ID: SBHIA
The water and maintenance fees charged quarterly (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st) cover the cost of the following services provided by SBHIA:
Maintenance of the water system (two community wells, water mains, and associated valves, lines, hydrants, etc. to support the water system)
All fees related to the testing of the water system
Insurance costs and management fees related to the water system
Utility costs related to the water system and the streetlights
Professional service fees for water system oversight, accounting services
Mailing and costs associated with business system
Grounds keeping costs for well sites, common areas and entrances
Neighborhood communications and social events