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Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a stop box? 


  • A water main curb valve, also known as a curb stop box is used to control the water supply from the city water main to inside the building. Each property currently has one. The Township is in the planning process of installing new stop boxes for the hook up to their water system. Homeowners will need to have a plumber hook up their current stop box to the new one the Township will be installing in the next few months to access the Township water supply. It is best to have your new stop box as close as possible to the old one so that the hookup is easier. 


What if I know the location of my stop box? 


  •  If the stake is near your current stop box, wonderful! If it isn’t, MOVE THE STAKE       WITHIN A COUPLE OF FEET OF IT.


What if I don't know the location of my stop box?


  •  D'Angelo Brothers has been given the list of people who contacted us in the last week and will start locating stop boxes in the next few days. At the last meeting the Township offered to assist them with finding the stop boxes. Please reach out to Paul Palace at the Township at 248-594-2800.


Why is knowing the location of my stop box so important? 


  • The closer your current stop box is to your new one will affect how much a plumber will charge you to connect your water line. The price difference could be in the thousands.



More Information


Water Outage

In the event that a water outage occurs, the system must be repressurized when service is restored.  Residents should run the water until it runs clear.  This will allow the chlorination system to eliminate any potential bacterial contamination.  As a precaution, drinking water should be boiled for five minutes for the next 24 hours.  As an added precaution, automatic icemakers should be turned off for 24 hours as well.


Power Outage

The Somerset well has a natural gas powered emergency generator to ensure adequate water supply during power outages. 


Water Enhancement

Our water is high in iron content and, therefore, homeowners should consider their own filtration (i.e. whole house iron filter, in-line iron filter, in-line water purifier or reverse osmosis) and water softening (i.e. water softener) options.


Sewer Only Meter Information

​​Because you receive your water from South Bloomfield Highlands, the Township's water and sewer quarterly bill is exclusively for your sewer.  If your sewer bill is over $450 per quarter, you should consider installing a sewer only meter.  This could save you approximately $300 per quarter.  For information about installing a sewer only meter, please visit the Bloomfield Township website.


Hydrant Flushing

The water distribution system is flushed out twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall.  Notices are posted at the entrances to the subdivision advising when the flushing will occur. Residents are advised not to launder for 12 hours after the flushing.  All other uses may be resumed immediately.


Lawn Watering

Your address is the last digit of your house number. Even number addresses (i.e. 2210) water lawns on even calendar days (June 2, 4, 6, etc). Odd number addresses (i.e. 2215) water lawns on odd calendar days (June 1, 3, 5, etc). 

No overnight water by hose and sprinkler allowed!


Those residents who have automated in ground sprinkler systems are encouraged to water between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. 

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